Fellowship for Performing Arts is a fantastic organization dedicated to producing riveting CS Lewis adaptations for the stage (and the screen). You can never go wrong with Lewis on the page, and I’ve never known FPA to go wrong with him on the stage, either. Their popular adaptation of The Screwtape Letters is coming to Texas soon, it’ll be a great date night, small group outing, or even church wide event, so I wanted to spread the word. All the upcoming dates nationwide are on their website, do check it out.
I’ve linked here before one of the absolute best medical presentations I’ve ever seen:
I first heard Dr. Lile’s unforgettable talk when he was the featured speaker at the Pardners For Life fundraiser held by Agape Pregnancy Resource Center here in the Austin area. Just wanted to give a heads up to locals that they’ve announced the date and speaker for this fall’s edition. You may have heard of him:
I think you can contact them here to find out more and get tickets, so save the date and let folks know!
Finally, the wonderful team at The Federalist was kind enough to pick up my “Don’t Be A Normie” piece and publish it this morning, you can find that here. Please share this Federalist link if you can, (twitter version here, facebook version here) particularly with people who would trust a real publication more than some random guy on substack. Thank you!
Loved the ‘Don’t be a Normie’, also, great video. Brought tears to my eyes for quite a few reasons. How does one go about finding a hmmm….. what’s the word I want…… Normie? Doctor anymore? I rely on my chiropractor, but, I won’t even bother with routine stuff anymore, never mind pediatrics, I’ll only deal with that for the bare minimum sports physical. I’m having a terrible habit of rambling lately, please excuse.
Dr. Lile’s talk should be mandatory for medical students and extra mandatory for pediatric fellows!