Sorry to disagree with you but we haven’t reached bottom yet. We are still being propagandized into mass vaccination with no regard for risk vs benefit. We know the mRNA technology needs to be halted and reevaluated as a cause in myocarditis, but it ain’t happening. I might feel a little more positive about a change if we can get pharma off TV. We got tobacco off of TV.

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I don’t disagree, but I’m trying not to despair : )

Agree wholeheartedly on the advertising. Absolutely crazy to see news programming sponsored by the pharmaceuticals they are supposed to be covering.

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How about get the federal government agencies like the CDC off TV first? Nothing like unrelenting vaccine pushing without any of the usual disclaimers on side effects, etc. If this was the pharma co's, they would at least have to disclose the risks.

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I remember driving downtown Toronto for a year and all the digital overhead signs, every single one said “get vaccinated “.

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As if the Leafs don’t cause heart damage enough…

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I just circled back to this article via Prasad’s latest Substack piece...so how’s your heart now Adrian?😂😂😂 I have more hope for a spiritual and medical revival than a Leafs cup! Blessings to you!

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Lol I think you’re right!

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Last week on TV, major campaign from Aussie Gov't to "top up."

They're still pushing it. They are building major mRNA Moderna plants here in Aus. You think they are going to let those investments go to waste?

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How many sudden deaths will it take before people start to notice? As it is, people are not noticing the sudden deaths. Example: MasterChef here in Australia, 49, died suddenly. What does the media focus on? "was it suicide?" (of course it wasn't) Distract-o-matic! Not a peep, not allowed to even consider that it might be this mass experiment.

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We need to destroy and rebuild our food systems before we fix medical. Start at the start. Why bother with putting on a bigger better bandage when we could fix the wound in other ways? Our food is straight up nasty in this country. They eat better in places we deride as undeveloped.

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Right on. Have you listened to that Rogan interview with the vaccinologist where Rogan is aghast that this doctor is a self proclaimed junk food addict? It’s hilarious. The guy goes on and on about his love for cheeseburgers and potato chips and how his wife is on his case to exercise more, and then seamlessly switches gears to the importance of vaccines for your health. Rogan is like, “what about taking care of your health in ways besides yearly injections?”

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Yes I actually did just see that. Hotez is quite a nasty little creature. But I was also reading about ractopamine, a growth hormone that is banned in 150+ countries but not here. Look it up. That in addition to all of the other nasty preservative stuff they put in everything. And the bad habits ingrained in us from the false food pyramid. And saturated fats being good when they say they are bad. I really liked your inclusion of the obesity chart because that is the problem! We can worry about the safety of different pharmaceuticals but how about the safety of our everyday lives that would preclude ingesting those?

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Holy cow! I love how Joe Rohan is just a common sense dude. I’m not “crunchy” but we recently got a meat subscription- Good Ranchers, and my goodness. It is insane how much larger, how different the meat looks in the store compared to stuff that’s not pumped full of hormones. I’m a nurse and pts who are younger and younger and otherwise healthy and active with cancer is deeply concerning. The efforts put into this vaccine emphasis, instead of simplifying our food in general is just sad.

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Have you considered that some of those cancers are caused by the vax? You might want to think about it.

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Because of your piece, I am going to A) read The Gulag Archipelago (it was the push that I needed), and B) have more hope for our future. I believe that more and more people have awakened over the last year to finally see the corruption behind Covid. Bobby Kennedy's book about Fauci deserves most of that credit. Thanks, great piece.

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I am hopeful that medicine can again become about maintaining health instead of sickness. How to prevent sickness instead of how to manage it. Quality of life is so important especially in the older years- more emphasis is placed on extending life no matter what, than on maintaining quality of life. Don’t get me started on kids- the crap that we are feeding our kids both nutritionally and through screens is horrifying. I am hopeful because I see more and more physicians waking up. I just hope it continues.

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Sorry to disagree, but NIH funding is about 45 billion or 0.2% of gdp. Still, a great article.

As someone who didn't grow up reading the Bible, I still believe in right and wrong, good and bad. Even young children know deep inside what those things are, without religion.

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Absolutely! That (the universal knowledge/belief in objective morality)was one of CS Lewis’s memorable apologetics arguments, I believe. St Paul, among others, certainly agrees. As he puts it in Romans: “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[g] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

Ps I didn’t grow up reading the Bible either but it’s not too late ; )

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Appreciate this view of the fall of medicine. I have to point out though, that 40 years ago I learned about natural health and natural healing and alternative medicine practices, traditional chinese medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy and simply eating for health, hydration and movement (you know, exercise) as the means to remain healthy. I learned from others who knew more than I ever hoped to. And avoiding toxins and poisons in our homes, at our jobs and other places. I wasn't the only one. We are the quiet ones. The censorship of natural methods, doors slammed shut by the toxic push to cut, poison and burn over less costly and less dangerous means to health, has kept us quiet as church mice. We watch and we grieve for those who were lied to. The information is still out there, it's suppressed in places, but I doubt that anyone who wanted to look wouldn't find all the information they ever wanted to learn about staying healthy on the world wide web. If they knew there were other options than costly loss of health life styles and treatments at the hands of those who profit from others' illness and pain and death, at least they could choose for themselves. If the end of medicine is truly on the horizon, it won't mean that all medicine is gone. The genuine paths to health will remain, the fraud and lies, and cut, burn and poison for profit are what needs to be gone. Medicine, as well as science, has been manipulated into fraud and lies, death and destruction, and deliberate murder and disfigurement. That is what needs to end.

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Volume III is in the works.

A Public Health guy that still believes in the real science of God's creation.

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Pretty much everything there is to know about science writ large can be found in Genesis.

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I pray that highlighting the gerontocracy of government, public health, and academia, people get the idea that long term administration of a post (ie Fauci) does not mean good over site and governance. With Fauci’s supposed retirement and Walensky’s resignation (I’m writing this on May 14th) perhaps new ideas will be introduced. Also new blood in these positions will hopefully be influenced by the changing views post Covid. And the medical community at large will hopefully ask for better evidence based recommendations instead of “because I said so” which is what a lot of what the Covid policies boíles down to.

PS D. Feinstein who just came back to her seat is a good example of Congressional gerontocracy.

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"With the grace of God, I will be dedicating the next period of my career to fighting big pharma, protecting childhood innocence, and standing up for His truth, against the AAP and the other collapsing medical authorities in the land. I know I’m not the only one. So don’t lose heart, and have a blessed, healthy, and happy new year!" Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

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👏🏼 so thankful for you, Dr Gaty

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1. Solzhenitsyn would be supprting what Russia is doing in Ukraine so using him to make a point is pretty confounding.

2. To attempt to link rising NIH funding with increasing obesity is crap science. To point out the the comparison with a graph is "scientistic".

Obesity is not really a health issue even if it looks like it. It is a social issue regarding conspicuous consumption amidst affluence. Physician obesity is also rising! Conspicuous consumption amidst affluence affects medicine too and leads to social and cultural iatrogenesis.

Look at the cost of medical school in the light of the oath: "and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract;"

The commodification of medicine has been aided by physicians themselves;

physicians heal thyself!

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“Physician obesity is also rising!”

Yes, exactly… I think we’re making the same point here if you squint…

And I will work harder in the future to remove all Russian literary references because of the current political thing. Down with Pushkin! Dostoevsky back to prison! I understand completely, comrade.

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I'm not a socialist. Nor do I advocate purging Russian literature. Solzhenitsyn is just a particular problematic fellow.

There certainly might be insights to glean from Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich. (Of course it also might have made Illich overstate his case in Medical Nemesis.)

The problem is scientism not science.

The problem is not medicine; it is medicine that is not motivated internally by the same impulse that made the Good Samaritan stop to help the beaten man in the ditch.

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Sure, we as a nation believe sin exist, but "we" also believe "we" can quantitatively ease it away.

He died for our debt, not our sins | Michael Hudson

https://michael-hudson.com/2017/12/he-die etc.

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