Welcome to all the new subscribers! I’m new at this and don’t know what I’m doing, but since many of you came thanks to the recent pieces on old-fashioned kindergarten and Anne of Green Gables at The Federalist, I thought we could have fun opening things up with a question: who is your favorite fictional character of old who would end up drugged if living under our modern medical experts?
I picked Anne Shirley, but I know that’s an unconventional choice, since she is a girl, and boys today are more than twice as likely as girls to be diagnosed with ADHD. In honor of that sex disparity, I thought I’d share a school picnic scene from another favorite book of mine, Little Women:
The land literally flowed with milk and honey on such occasions, for the lads were not required to sit at table, but allowed to partake of refreshment as they liked – freedom being the sauce best beloved by the boyish soul. They availed themselves of the rare privilege to the fullest extent, for some tried the pleasing experiment of drinking milk while standing on their heads, others lent a charm to leapfrog by eating pie in the pauses of the game, cookies were sown broadcast over the field, and apple turnovers roosted in the trees like a new style of bird. The little girls had a private tea party…
I’m afraid that “boyish soul” would not be very welcome in many educational settings today. What do y’all think? What favorite story of yours would be unthinkable today thanks to the magic of modern pharmaceuticals? I don’t know if this will work, but it’s worth a shot, and I’d love to learn of more classic literary examples, so kindly have at it. Thank you for your time!
Scout Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird! She was raised without the limits of the stereotypical southern young lady. By not being bound by frilly dresses and tea parties, she was able to get outside, explore with the boys and learn without being limited as most women and young ladies were in the era to be seen and not heard. Perhaps she could be considered a girl with a "boyish soul". Scout hated sitting inside all day at school, she knew right from wrong and was not afraid to speak up and ask questions. Her teachers resented her disinterest with school and her strong will. Scout would definitely be on a 504 plan at school and taking Concerta in order to fit the mold of most American schools today. I speak from experience - having my own version of Scout Finch who was also raised without stereotypical boundaries. Her teachers don't like to be challenged or questioned when their views are being expressed in class as fact, and some people who don't have the same moral compass can't understand her. But my Scout Finch will be leading others in life once she gets through the doldrums of the classroom. Here's to hoping she has an amazing secretary who will keep her organized.
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn immediately come to mind