Scout Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird! She was raised without the limits of the stereotypical southern young lady. By not being bound by frilly dresses and tea parties, she was able to get outside, explore with the boys and learn without being limited as most women and young ladies were in the era to be seen and not heard. Perhaps she could be considered a girl with a "boyish soul". Scout hated sitting inside all day at school, she knew right from wrong and was not afraid to speak up and ask questions. Her teachers resented her disinterest with school and her strong will. Scout would definitely be on a 504 plan at school and taking Concerta in order to fit the mold of most American schools today. I speak from experience - having my own version of Scout Finch who was also raised without stereotypical boundaries. Her teachers don't like to be challenged or questioned when their views are being expressed in class as fact, and some people who don't have the same moral compass can't understand her. But my Scout Finch will be leading others in life once she gets through the doldrums of the classroom. Here's to hoping she has an amazing secretary who will keep her organized.

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Scout is a great one! Thank you!

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Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn immediately come to mind

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"Eloise" an independent, strong willed little sprite that lives in the Plaza Hotel in New York. "Eloise, Eloise, what are you doing, doing, doing? Come in off that ledge, my dear, and close the window at once, before we all freeze, freeze, freeze." Eloise might have been overlooked had she not broken a few rules and found her way....her way. Loved the book as a young child and it grew with me.

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