Thank you for this. For speaking out, for standing up. Your hesitation to immediately prescribe is critical, and we need more of this. The gift of discernment. Medical Doctors who care and seek to treat and heal, not just to conform. It is so scary as a provider to speak about this, fearing ostracism from the medical community and unjust destroying of your reputation, but it is so so important. For all of our children, and as a mother, thank you.

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Bless you, Dr. Gaty!


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The pubmed link that you provide in your article is completely bonkers:

> The mean age of participants was 9.8 years ranging from 3 to 18 years (two trials from 3 to 21 years).

How can a 3-year old be diagnosed as lacking attention and being hyperactive? It’s a 3-year old!!

> The male-female ratio was 3:1.

Maybe today’s school is not adapted to boys. Also it’s pretty fascinating that people who keep talking about equity never discuss this one.

> Methylphenidate treatment duration ranged from 1 to 425 days, with a mean duration of 28.8 days.

If I understand this sentence correctly, it means that across all the studies reviewed by that meta analysis, there is not a single individual that was followed for more than about 14 months. This proves your point so well — scientifically we don’t know the long term consequences.

Thank you for your article.

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