I remember being young enough to feel badly every time I sprayed ANYTHING from a can, lest the ozone open further and destroy us all. Fear mongering has been the rule, not the exception, in my opinion. Once I heard G. Carlin state the truth (the world will shake us off like a dog shaking fleas), I realized I’d been scammed by the media. That was when I was a kid; I’m now clearly much older and dang it if I didn’t fall for media scam during covid - but thankfully not for long and at little risk. Now it’s chinas spy balloon. What will it be next week.

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OMG! "totalitarian moment" - As Canada now seems to have acquired a dictator. Shutting down the truckers via quite harsh means was so un-Canadian. I would have expected a lot of chatter in the halls of Parliament and pleading from police and some requests to have more public meetings. Instead a totally angry press attacking the truckers who wanted to talk it out, like citizens. Then to go after the truckers money! Impossible in a free society.

The final straw is to try to disarm the public. Certainly most of the urban folk won't encounter many threats but the largest part of Canada can be quite hazardous. And every wise person knows disarming the public doesn't stop crime, even in jolly old England. I doubt the Mounties will be patrolling with nightsticks in the places they must go.

Surprisingly the voters in Canada (and Australia and NZ) voted themselves some safety instead of freedom. By now, they might understand they really got no safety but have lost some freedom. The invasion from the South was done via importation of some socialistic notions and a bit of woke.

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What a terrific article. As an old person, I love the long view.

They used to teach actual history for a reason.

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And now they don't, for a reason.

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What happened to “Stick it to the man”?

Or “Why do all non conformists look alike?”

They are now “the man” and they still look alike. Except now we use gender neutral pronouns.

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Many people overlook the power of film and literature from various decades and centuries. Classic literature completely changed my life over the last four years. My character has improved in ways I couldn't imagine possible five years back.

I was a late bloomer in reading and hadn't read a book for two decades. I used to watch a lot of television, but now none. How do we inspire people to indulge in these mediums and vary the generations each were made?

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'the one about the whales'. And the very best of the Star Trek movies.

I'm trying to think how to shoehorn my very favorite movie, Brazil, into your memory hole criteria.

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Great insights as always

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