Thanks Adrian. My husband & I have loved Clint Eastwood ever since we watched him as youngsters in Rawhide and with that long drawl of his. I think we’ve seen most of his movies, maybe not all. The quote: “Make my day” has gone down in history as one of those often quoted sayings on many lips since.

I’m glad that this movie you mention has a “godly” (sort of I’m expecting) ending.

It’s true, the 90’s packed a punch with movies, lots of “realism”, though I have to admit that it was a decade of much blood and guts, which caused many conservative and liberal types in Hollowwood to start production companies of their own that toned down some of that the violence and made us think instead. Then came those franchises of heroes - blach! Can’t watch them.

Our daughter has worked extensively in the film/tv industry for years (I dabbled a little :) ) & she says the department that takes great care in their prosthetics love to have all that on film, closely if possible, lol. We sit watching most things praising the art department for its sheer brilliance. It’s hard not to watch continuity fail & so on, but we still get entertained.

Thanks again for the tip!

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That’s so cool about your daughter, congrats! I think my favorite of his is Where Eagles Dare, but there are so many good ones

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Yes it is cool for my daughter when she does or was working until some months ago. She is not vaxxed, and the mandates still stand in some industries. The Americans who operate here frequently were, to my mind absolutely over the top in their fervour to “do the right thing” on all things CV19 protocol. Try straddling the border during the lockdowns as we did, she was unable to get to her office work in Qld., but her boss had her working from home for the duration of that Aussie tv series and another film. It’s a very “clicky” business, jobs for the boys and all that, so she has fallen off the call list & if you’re not jabbed up to the eyeballs with the latest poison then you’re a risk to everyone & no one wants to back down or admit what we all know, that the jab doesn’t work anyway, except negatively 🙄.

These days she paints, etches & has her own website while looking for more work here & there. Don’t be misled by the idea that the industry is so wonderful, it’s hard yacka, long exhausting days, often in horrible conditions, cranky, meticulous overlords, incestuous controllers (but not to the naked eye), demanding, hive minded - you live & work the job with little sleep & no comeback for quick turnarounds. But apart from that, it’s artistic fun and exciting 😂

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Well, she did the right thing, you raised her right, bless her!

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Watched it on a plane the other day. I thought it was wonderful. I love his straightforward no-nonsense directing style.

It’s perfectly possible - I reckon - to write a really excellent sequel….I won’t say more in case it constitutes a spoiler.

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I clicked so fast, thinking to myself, “Is he talking about the Spike Lee movie?!” 🙃

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I thought the same thing at first! I watched that one for an elective film class I took, and despite one completely unnecessary scene, I really enjoyed it. It was honest and didn’t make excuses.

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Clint is also a pretty good Jazz pianist - there is a CD i have of a Carnegie Hall concert he did. So if his politics and/or movies are not to one's liking, there is always his Jazz piano!!!!!!

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We watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was recommended to me by one of my favorite people in this world!❤️

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With my family overseas on one of my husband’s “educational trips” for our kids, I took myself to see the new Dylan film. I’m a huge fan of Dylan‘s early music which this film focuses on, as it’s about his move from acoustic folk to electric rock. It is also about Dylan as an artist as opposed to Dylan the man. Hence, I noticed is that there was absolutely no gratuitous sex in this film where there could’ve been a lot! The language was pretty clean by today’s standards. It was great too how Edward Norton channeled Mr. Rogers in his depiction of Pete Seeger! Both actors sang and played live— amazing authenticity in our age of lip syncing, mega concerts! I highly recommend this grown-up film. You can see that the director and his cinematographer are the “Spielberg classicists” they claim to be.

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