I might have to watch that movie - living it sure hasn’t been fun. Kinda sad to see that as much as I wanted to trust propaganda - I mean mainstream media - I knew even ol Walter Cronkite was spewing what the bosses told him to. Thankfully though we all know how bad it is and change will come whether we want it to or not - because as water seeks its own level so does truth. Eventually.

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I watched it again about 2 years ago; a classic!

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This is spot on. A strange part of my personal history is that my widowed Christian mother became something of a *ag Hag (a term I suspect to be completely unPC these days that refers to an older straight woman who hung out primarily with gay men.) Her next door neighbors were a lesbian couple, which, unlike today, didn’t happen unless you actually lived in their neighborhood.

So in my 20s just BEFORE & then during the first years of “The AIDS crisis” I had a front row seat to the realities of the “gay community”—including what PRIDE parades were really intended to be (though I personally steered clear of them.)

So I watched with bemusement as this “community” later fought with itself over these events as raw, explicit exhibitionism vs. a cleaned up “family-friendly” corporate-sponsored version. The fighting was so fierce, I think one of them was actually canceled. Many gays expressed displeasure at being “assimilated” into the mainstream. It wasn’t the lifestyle they’d signed on to perform.

[edit: Rod Dreher’s TAC blog used to have comments by an insightful gay conservative who worked in academia. I will always remember one he wrote about gay dating apps — that they would ‘make a mother weep.’ He also made an insightful observation about Big Pharma employing a lot of gay men. You’d think they of all people would know from experience that pharma is not a benefactor it’s a life-long drug-dealer.]

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I love that Angela Lansbury is in all these old classic films! Someone on a Substack or a commenter also recently recommended watching The Picture of Dorian Gray because of the story's similarity to many of the unsavory characters of the pandemic.

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Yes, me too!

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