Your last two posts brought back wonderful memories of my first year in university. My creative writing teacher allowed us to read a paragraph or two from a novel of our choosing. I chose one of Percy Walker's, as his prose was so raw, and I felt liberated when I read those swear words...It was the first time in my life where I felt I had control over my life...I was a black sheep born into a very authoritarian family! That class opened my mind, and I think it probably saved my life as I learned how to think critically in that wonderful class with that very open minded professor. The last three years have opened my mind even more. Sad, that the universities no longer seem to be a sanctuary of free thought, and debate. I feel sorrow for my young adult children. I have that book you talk about

from Mr. Walker's in my bookcase....time for a reread I think. Love the passages about God and children...they are my joy, and my life's work so far. I am of the same thought...all children are the epitome of God.

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Wow, loved the second paragraph, with the insights about the selflessness of baby's crying. Reminds me of Chesterton's thinking in Orthodoxy. Last lines of your post are chilling. Great article!

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Mar 27, 2023
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And too few today will ever be gifted children because they think other things more important. How really silly. I may never have a lot of money but I do have great grandchildren. All I may have created fall before that gift.

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