The interview with Dr. McFillin is now up (episode 98), it is perhaps the only discussion ever recorded that covers both the corruption of the AAP and the saintly life of Elizabeth of Hungary, I hope y’all enjoy it! For my subscribers, I do hope you’ll head over to his site and subscribe to his podcast on your preferred podcast player (and he’s got a fitting post up this morning on substack, too).
For any Radically Genuine listeners who found their way over here based on that interview, welcome!
In the discussion, I mentioned Carl Trueman’s modern classic, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. If you, like me, are worried and shocked by the medical establishment’s embrace of transgender ideology, this is one of the most clarifying books you can read.
You don’t need a staircase to have l’esprit d’escalier. I was nervous and didn’t fully explain my thoughts on the matter, so here is what I wish I had said about Trueman’s book and your doctor’s support for castrating your child: this madness has a clear internal logic of its own, it is not some weird departure from modern medical practice but has long been its inevitable endpoint. Your doctor did not all of a sudden snap and go crazy a couple years ago, she did not just out of the blue fall prey, along with every other cultural authority figure, to this transgender delusion. Your doctor actually went crazy decades ago… it’s only just starting to show.
As Trueman illustrates, once you no longer get your meaning from external sources, once you create your own meaning, anything goes. Once you are fully on board with the cultural message that you can create your own identity - a message that most of us, including most doctors, have taken for granted for decades and decades - well, you become your own god, and if a god wants to be a girl, what’s to stop him from becoming a girl? You and I might think that’s nuts, that you’re anchored to the inescapable reality of your body, but it’s a totally logical step: if you’re not anchored to the reality of Creation, if the meaning and purpose of life is entirely decided by you and your feelings, if you kill God and become your own god, what is stopping you from making yourself into whatever image you happen to feel like?
The truth is that you are either designed for a purpose or you’re not. If you don’t believe you’ve been designed, what is stopping you from designing yourself? You can do it, the AAP will help, we have the technology, we can pump you full of hormones and perform surgeries and change your sex for you. Why shouldn’t we? Because of ‘biology’? Well, we can control biology; it’s not like there is anyone else but us in control of it, right?
Now I think all that is nonsense - but only because we are designed. You, dear reader, were designed - you’re not the pointless byproduct of some random uncaring series of meaningless mutations and accidental subatomic collisions (because, if you were, of course you could change your sex, or anything else, because whatever). You were made for a reason by a loving Creator. He designed you with a purpose: not to ‘be happy,’ but to glorify Him and do the good deeds He has prepared for you. And if you recognize and pursue that purpose, true joy - not fleeting happiness - will follow!
Well, that was my two cents. Thank you for reading (and listening). Please have a peek around the place, I think new readers will especially enjoy this piece about the link between depression and transgenderism and the landscapes we invite our children to climb. Please share, subscribe, etc., and have a wonderful day!
Thank you Dr. Gaty. This was a welcome listen! As a Christian mother whose own daughter (always feminine, gifted ...) got sucked down the trans rabbit hole in college, it is truly painful watching the response and debate unfold on the issue at hand yet I find your points so comforting. The salve is so close to all of us (connection, God, food, exercise...) and yet the profession wants nothing more than to turn their patients into living synthetic lives full of toxic drugs, glitter families, and false idols.
'Gender dysphoria' is a hogwash diagnosis created to put our young at the doorstep of the trans rabbit hole. It is an especially dangerous when a diagnosis breeches the line from medical guideline to adolescent and young adult fiction, Hollywood movies, college orientation (what pronoun do you use?), and on and on. Social contagions come from the top and spread through media. It is a brilliantly evil scheme.
Todays medical intake forms had not yet changed when I was raising my own but now they are often a diagnostic tool in and of themselves. Patients now often check 'male, female, transgender' as if 'transgender' is as normal as apple pie. Down the rabbit hole they go! Did not the pain scale create one of the largest drug scandals in history? I hope parents are waking up fast enough.
Such a good article. I WANT not to have spina bifida. I’d love to not have a urostomy. I’d even love not to have a neurogenic bowel AND Crohns - but all of the above is true. I cannot identify as “a person without spina bifida myelomeningocele” just because I’ve had surgery to correct it. I can’t identify as a person who “pees normally” but I pee standing up like most. So the illusion that I can change who I am with a few strokes of a scalpel and HRT drugs is ludicrous. I like who I am just fine, and that was tough to do as a kid who got bullied and made fun of. Getting through all that made me better. I’m convinced that the current trend is a mass reaction formation - that and just another thing people do to avoid reality. Oh and I’d like not to be an addict, too. 24 years sober has been a LOT of work. When it’s all said and done, I’m ok with all of it. For real. It’s made me who I am.