Welcome new readers! Did you know that opioids are not addictive? It’s true – I learned it in med school! I remember distinctly the lecture, in which our hospital’s pain specialist taught us that, as long as a patient is in discomfort, she can’t get hooked on pain pills, so we should have no qualms about prescribing them. I don’t know if that line of reasoning has worked out so well over the years…
The memory of that lecture came back to me the other day when I heard someone talking about the influence of the pharmaceutical companies over medical schools. Had my professor been on pharma’s payroll? I don’t know, but in trying to look into it more closely, I learned that the watchdog that used to keep an eye on these issues has been neutered. More on this story in my article at The Federalist this morning. Please do click over to the Federalist to read the article, and please share it widely if you like it! After you’ve read it, please see some additional thoughts below:
Money Corrupts
For those who doubt that a doctor’s integrity, his commitment to the principles of the Hippocratic Oath, can be compromised by the sources of his funding, I point you to this story from the New York Post just this week:
Ultimately, overwhelming circumstantial evidence points to a lab leak origin — the same origin suggested to Dr. Anthony Fauci by two very prominent virologists in a January 2020 meeting he assembled at the beginning of the pandemic.
According to documents obtained by Bret Baier of Fox News, they told Fauci and Collins that the virus may have been manipulated and originated in the lab, but then suddenly changed their tune in public comments days after meeting with the NIH officials.
The virologists were later awarded nearly $9 million from Fauci’s agency.
The Christian Connection
At least the corrupt virologists made millions; what did Christian leaders get for betraying their parishioners? In my article, I link to a document promulgated by various leading medical organizations during the pandemic, a document that literally reads like a how-to manual to conduct psy ops against one’s population. In this case, the document is concerned with pressuring people into lining up for controversial mRNA vaccines, and explicitly advises using trusted pastors to push the products. Far too many pastors lined up enthusiastically to be so used. Meg Basham has done the Lord’s work in exposing precisely how “major church leaders used their positions to become mouthpieces for government’s Covid propaganda.” Why did they betray us? I don’t think millions of dollars changed hands, so I can only speculate: was it to distance themselves from their icky backwards mouthbreathing parishioners? Was it for an invitation to the sinister Francis Collins’ book club? Was it for Wales? We may never know.
As always when I go on about the corruption of the medical establishment, let me end with an exhortation against despair. We have them right where we want them! Don’t lose heart, don’t stop praying, and have a wonderful rest of your week!
I had that exact same lecture at OHSU nursing school. Any student who dared raise a concern about a patient who was watching the clock for the next pain med was soundly dismissed and re-educated about the need to believe patients’ pain levels and aggressively treat pain to keep patients comfortable.
As a Registered Nurse, the big push to make Pain, the 6th vital sign, has always struck me as something that was unattainable and way to subjective to be of much use. I’m sorry, if I have a patient that is calmly playing on their phone or chatting away with a family member in the room, I have a hard time objectively believing them when they state their pain is a 10/10. I have seen 10/10 pain before and there is never anything calm about it.