JAMA isn't worth reading and only exists because of funding from the AMA, which naive new doctors feel compelled to join. After some time in practice, these doctors realize the AMA doesn't represent their interests at all and JAMA is filled with junk science.

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If only research was based on true science and free from manipulation and bias and bribery from paid advertising which has no place in medicine or scientific research. let truth in results speak for themselves and questions resume which shape and sharpen.

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I’m trying to fathom the argument that sleep apnea is no big deal in premies. It’s no big deal until it is and then it’s called SIDS and you’re burying your baby and hoping that the cops don’t decide to charge you with killing said baby thanks to a bunch of junk science.

I can’t help but feel this little tidbit is not going to make it into the “what to know about your premie” pamphlet although as someone who had a baby prematurely that’s definitely something we would have wanted to know.

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Speaking of MAHA, with RFK's confirmation hearing looming, it was great to hear why Prasad endorses him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3-joUl6Frk&t=10s

His main reason is the brokenness of medicine that no one else would attempt to fix. This video also has a profound segment that is Prasad's reflections on the de-humanization with medicine in which he discusses a eulogy for a colleague that only offered that person's "resume."

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Jan 27Edited

I receive JAMA online emails but haven't paid so don't get the full meal deal on the quizzes.

I do not think anything has changed. It will take a minimum of three months and I don't see the AMA as being susceptible to a DEI/woke purge.

CMAJ and the CMA have been awful for decades, I do get their journal as well.

I may be able to change my mind this week if the 70% of Senators and Congressmen recuse themselves for conflicts of interest, having accepted pHarma support, in Robert Kennedy Jr.'s confirmation.

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Speaking of killing the untermensch or the un-humans these two related references are very much about such - note the now well known politician featured therein.



Many right-thinking Christians would have attended this toxic gab-fest. Donald Trump gave the introductory speech

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